Textbook Details
- By:
- Don Mayer, Daniel Warner, George Siedel, and Jethro K. Lieberman
- Published:
- August 2012
- Discipline:
- Business Law Textbooks
- ISBN (Digital):
- 978-1-4533-4416-3
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
Chapter 2: Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
Chapter 3: Courts and the Legal Process
Chapter 4: Constitutional Law and US Commerce
Chapter 5: Administrative Law
Chapter 6: Criminal Law
Chapter 7: Introduction to Tort Law
Chapter 8: Contracts
Chapter 9: Introduction to Property: Personal Property and Fixtures
Chapter 10: Intellectual Property
Chapter 11: The Nature and Regulation of Real Estate and the Environment
Chapter 12: The Transfer of Real Estate by Sale
Chapter 13: Landlord and Tenant Law
Chapter 14: Estate Planning: Wills, Estates, and Trusts
Chapter 15: Insurance
Chapter 16: Secured Transactions and Suretyship
Chapter 17: Mortgages and Nonconsensual Liens
Chapter 18: Bailments and the Storage, Shipment, and Leasing of Goods