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Law of Commercial Transactions
Version 1.0
By Don Mayer, Daniel Warner, George Siedel, and Jethro K. Lieberman
Included Supplements
Key Features
Law of Commercial Transactions is one in a series of law texts by the Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman author team created so you can use as is or easily make it your own with the Flat World's customization platform, MIYO.
Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman's Law of Commercial Transactions is an up-to-date textbook that covers legal issues that students who engage in commercial transactions must understand. The text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with their clear, concise and readable style.
After introductory chapters covering the legal environment of business, Law of Commercial Transactions provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to key commercial transactions topics: contracts, sales, commercial paper, debtors and creditors. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy students will need to talk in an educated way to customers, suppliers, creditors, government regulators and other stakeholders — and to their own lawyers.
With Law of Commercial Transactions, the authors have created a text that not only has both case summaries and excerpted cases, but one that you can easily customize by deleting chapters, reordering the content, adding your own material, and even editing at the line level with Flat World's easy-to-use MIYO (Make It Your Own) Platform. The online version of the text includes embedded links to law-related videos at YouTube and other online sites for easy access by students and instructors.
Review Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman's Law of Commercial Transactions today to see if its comprehensive content, affordable price, and flexible format are right for your students and your course.
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgments
- Preface
Chapter 1: Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
Chapter 2: Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
Chapter 3: Courts and the Legal Process
Chapter 4: Constitutional Law and US Commerce
Chapter 5: Administrative Law
Chapter 6: Criminal Law
Chapter 7: Introduction to Tort Law
Chapter 8: Introduction to Contract Law
Chapter 9: The Agreement
Chapter 10: Real Assent
Chapter 11: Consideration
Chapter 12: Legality
Chapter 13: Form and Meaning
Chapter 14: Third-Party Rights
Chapter 15: Discharge of Obligations
Chapter 16: Remedies
Chapter 17: Introduction to Sales and Leases
Chapter 18: Title and Risk of Loss
Chapter 19: Performance and Remedies
Chapter 20: Products Liability
Chapter 21: Bailments and the Storage, Shipment, and Leasing of Goods
Chapter 22: Nature and Form of Commercial Paper
Chapter 23: Negotiation of Commercial Paper
Chapter 24: Holder in Due Course and Defenses
Chapter 25: Liability and Discharge
Chapter 26: Legal Aspects of Banking
Chapter 27: Consumer Credit Transactions
Chapter 28: Secured Transactions and Suretyship
Chapter 29: Mortgages and Nonconsensual Liens
Chapter 30: Bankruptcy
Instructor’s Manual
The Instructor Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.
PowerPoint Lecture Notes
A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.
Test Item File
Need assistance in supplementing your quizzes and tests? Our test-item files (in Word format) contain many multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions.
At FlatWorld, we take pride in providing a range of high-quality supplements alongside our titles, to help instructors teach effectively. Supplements are available for instructors who have registered their adoption with us. If you need to review or preview something specific, please contact us.
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